Friday, August 7, 2009

I Heart my Death Knight


Seriously, if you haven't made a Death Knight yet, go do it, and at least do the starting zone, I'll wait. Besides, you could probably finish it in a shorter amount of time than it will take me to write this.... Ok, I'm done waiting. Now finish read this then go into Outlands, even if you never want to touch your Death Knight again just go to Outlands and see how easy it is to kill some stuff. Done? OMG wasn't that awesome! I know, right!

So yea, I have Death Knight fever, which is healthier, yet probably more detrimental so my social life than Frost Fever. But who needs a social life anyways. Anyways, I started good ol' Grayskul a couple months ago now I think. I originally just wanted to see the starting zone and then have him do some professions for me. Even if you have no intentions of leveling a Death Knight, I highly recommend getting one at least out of the starting zone if not to 65. That way they can pick up a couple professions for you and help keep your money flowing. Don't have an enchanter? A level 58 Death Knight straight out of the starting zone can get high enough enchanting to DE anything currently in the game. Something which can make you a lot of extra cash! But I digress... When I first figured out how much fun DKs were to play, and more so how powerful (rare I say, overpowered...) they are, at least in Outlands, was actually more of an accident than anything. I was doing a couple of the first quest in Hellfire Peninsula and riding back to turn them in. Being used to playing my rogue I simply mounted up and rode straight on through a large group of baddies, figuring if they knocked me off my horse all I had to do was pop Vanish and be on my way.... Yea, well, guess what? A level 59 Death Knight doesn't have any aggro dropping skills, let alone one like vanish. (Duh) So there I was being ganked by a rather large group of demons most of which were a higher level than me, I figured I was a goner. Turns out, even with my then dismal knowledge of what I had to use and where I had put it on my bars, I destroyed the group with no problems, and went on my way. And there it was, I was hooked. I didn't realize it until a while later, but that was my first experience with the power of the Death Knight

I got my Death Knight to about level 60 a month ago or so and sort of let him sit in Honor Hold, doing a little bit of Inscription leveling, but not much else besides getting some nice rest experience built up. I have been starting various new toons over the past few months with intentions of leveling them to 80: My warlock, as I mentioned in my last post, a Druid who stopped at 19 and is now quite twinked out and excited about the changes that came on Tuesday, and even a priest, who only made it to 16 where she sits, waiting to either be deleted or maybe, just maybe, become a twink. I sort of realized that I don't really have the time to devote to starting a new character and leveling it to 80 right now, but I knew that I wanted to do something different than getting up close and stabbing things. I figured getting Grayskul to 80 and making him a tank would be my best option, but I didn't really know if I would even be any good at, or enjoy, tanking.

So, two weeks ago I hopped back on the Death Knight and started doing some questing, a group came up looking for a tank for Blood Furnace and thought, 'Oh, hell, why not.' so I joined up. Turns out the group would have been a massive failure as far as every heroic PuG I have done on Bury, but Blood Furnace must be easy or something because we killed it, with only one wipe. (And with Mages that pull bosses while you talk strategy, healers that don't seem to know how to heal, and a Death Knight DPS that uses Death Grip to pull things off the tank and force them to attack him, who wouldn't expect at least one wipe.)Though I did die like 5 times, not sure what my healer didn't understand about healing me, but oh well. Maybe he was too concerned with the other Death Knight that didn't understand the 7 times I told him to stop using Death Grip. (I led the Damage done and DPS as tank, so it certainly wasn't threat causing an issue. Unless of course Mr. SmartDK was using Death and Decay and I didn't notice...) Anyways, I had a blast tanking. I'm sure some of that is due to the fact that we did suprisingly well, but it was actually really fun. I haven't tanked anything else since, mostly because I have been focusing on leveling and have never been big on starting groups, but I just hit 65 last night in Zangarmarsh and I definitely want to do a few of the instances there as well as the ones in Terokkar Forest. After 3.2 hit on Tuesday I took my first 5 Emblems of Conquest and traded them in for 5EoH so I could get the Polished Spaulders of Valor for that lovely 10% experience bonus, and I need to finish up the Crusader title on Bury as well as try out the new dailies so hopefully I'll have enough for the chest soon too!

I might take a day or two to try to push his Inscription up into the 300s so I can start trying to make some money from that, and I think I want to get his mining up to 300 too so I can get all those nodes I have been seeing, but then it's back to leveling and I should be in Northrend in no time. Once he gets to level 70 I have every piece of the 'Cobalt Set' waiting in the bank for him so he will be ready to jump into tanking Northrend Dungeons. I am really excited to level another character through there since there was a lot of place I didn't see. I had a ton of rest experience on Bury so I think I got from 76-80 entirely on dailies and grinding, leaving a lot of questing to be done. I have recently been doing the PvP dailies in Grizzly Hills, and although there is really no PvP involved, they are a lot of fun, and I think by taking Grayskul through Howling Fjord and then into Grizzly Hills I can get right into them and grab a couple of nice blues from the Venture Coin rewards. I also want to quest in Sholazar since I never really did much questing there on my first 80. And I know as soon as I hit 78 I'm flying straight to Icecrown to start in on the Argent Tournament so hopefully right when I hit 80 I can be pretty well geared and jump into Heroics! (I also plan on buying both the Tempered Titansteel pieces as well as the Titansteel Destroyer.)

So with 3.2 here and all the exciting new changes, new dungeons, new ways to get badges and gear, new battlegrounds, and a newly geared twink with sweet new flag carrying abilities, I find myself pretty burnt out on everything but my Death Knight, though he is benefitting from the newly available to level 60 flyers, and my god is that wonderful, especially with the speed buff! (Thank-you Blizzard, altaholics love you.)

So if you didn't make a Death Knight when I told you to before, I highly recommend you do, even if you just experience the starting area, or even if you just let him rot (giggle) in a city and do some extra professions, not only can they be useful, but damn are they fun!

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