Friday, May 15, 2009

Gnome Genocide in Dun Morogh; Gold Sellers Responsible?

This was the scene late this afternoon outside the Ironforge Gates in Dun Morogh. Hundreds of gnomes lay dead, their bodies arranged into some sort of sick advertisement. There is no question as to who is responsible for this horrifying event as the bodies clearly spell out the identity of the culprits. The bodies were discovered late in the afternoon on May 15th after local Pie Vendor, Sraaz ran screaming into the Ironforge commons.

"We thought he had finally gone mad, what with all the people chasing him around this past Valentine's Day." Said Bruuk Barleybeard, owner of the local pub Bruuk's Corner. "He ran in throwing pies and screaming bloody murder before he passed out. It took a few shots of me famous Dwarven Stout to calm him down, and when he finally told us what he had seen we couldn't believe it. We grabbed a few guards and ran to the gates, I couldn't believe my eye. There were a lot of good gnomes there, and regular customers too."

It certainly is a sad day for the gnomes, and an even sadder day for the state of gold buying and selling. These despicable people are constantly finding new (and decidedly creative) ways to catch the attention of their target audience.

"It's just sick, that's what it is," said Bruuk, shaking his head. "Use all that money clean out Gnomeregon, then we'll talk. Until then, they best be on the look out, this spikey looking mace here ain't just for opening a keg, you know."

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